There are various types of commercial insurance in South Africa to help business owners insure their businesses against risk. These range from basic retail insurance to liability and indemnity products. To get the best cover, a risk assessment must be done and it is advised to use the services of a qualified, independent and registered professional. Some of the critical insurance products recommended in South Africa include:
Property Insurance
Property insurance protects the premises of a business and its content against loss or damage. Property insurance can also be used to insure the property of others in your control at the time of the loss.
Workers’ Compensation
This insurance provides a wage replacement and medical benefits to employees who suffer an accident on the business premises.
Business Interruption
Business interruption insurance protects the cash flow and profit of a company during times when it is not able to operate due to incidents such as theft or ineffective equipment.
Liability Insurance
This type of insurance protects the business when it is sued for negligence of the business or its employees. This could be, for instance, when a customer suffer an injury while on the business premises or when someone is impacted by your employees or goods in transit.
Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Commercial Vehicle insurance covers all vehicles belonging to the business, but only when used for business purposes.
To find out more about commercial insurance in South Africa, contact us
InsideSA’s in-house team will be able to provide more information on commercial insurance in South Africa and advise on which products would be best for your business. To speak to someone in the Cape Town team, dial +27 (0) 21 424 2460. To consult with a Johannesburg team member, call +27 (0) 11 234 4275 instead. Alternatively, request a call back and one of our consultants will contact you.