Retired Visa

Retired Visa

What is a retired visa?

A retied visa or permit is a specific type of visa which is granted to immigrants who are keen on spending their retirement years in beautiful South Africa. A retired visa is granted under the premises that the applicant is not looking to work, study or open their own business. A retirement visa is granted purely for retirement purposes.

Who can apply for a retirement visa?

There are various factors which are taken into consideration however the main qualifying criteria are financially based. Good character and health are also taken into account.

It is imperative to understand that a retirement visa in South Africa comprises of a visa which is temporary. It is valid for up to four years at a time. Permanent residency can then be applied via a retired person permit application.

The requirements are based on the same monthly income amount but the retirement visa does allow you to substitute the required income level with a cash equivalent.

How much money will I need to have for a South African retirement visa?

One of the biggest concerns for South African immigration law is that retirees can afford their retirement without placing too much strain on the resources of the state.

The minimum income which is required is a set figure of ZAR 37,000. This is a gross income and it needs to come from reliable source that is guaranteed.

What is the best way forward should I wish to retire in South Africa?

It is going to be within your best interest to consult with a reputable and experienced immigration consult that specialises in immigration for South Africa. It may also prove useful to consult with an immigration consultant who works for a reputable and trustworthy immigration company.

One of the best things which you can do for yourself is to determine if you are eligible for a retirement visa. This can be done by taking a free one minute assessment here.

For more information on the South African retired visa, contact us

To find out more about South Africa’s retired visa, call us in Johannesburg on +27 (0) 11 234 4275 or in Cape Town on +27 (0) 21 424 2460. Alternatively, request a free call back or complete a quick and easy online assessment for us to contact you. Our immigration consultants have assisted thousands of foreigners with their immigration to South Africa and can do the same for you.